Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Our First Post

Welcome to the SharePower Blog! My name is Lee Drucker, I am a third year JD/MBA student at NYU. Also, writing on this blog is Eric Diamond, a 3L at NYU School of Law. If we are lucky, we also may have guest posts from time to time.

We are both passionate about activist investing, and the world of corporate governance- and that is what we are going to write about here. Don't worry- it is not as boring as its sounds. We hope to expose you to a world of hostile takeovers, multi-billion dollar gambles, outsized egos, and global-economy-shifting transactions- basically we are going to give you a behind the scenes look at the game of world domination (financially speaking).

If you don't know what activist investing or corporate governance is-stick around-we plan on explaining all the details as we go.

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